Topographical Diagrams

The preparation of topographic diagrams is the main activity of the office. The topographic surveys are carried out with modern means, methodologies and accuracy, and the diagrams are drawn up on the basis of all the required specifications stipulated by the legislation in force for the respective use.

For example:

  • Notarial deeds of purchase and sale, transfers, etc.
  • Electronic submission of diagrams to the National Cadastre
  • Diagram of geometric variations
  • Subdivisions – amalgamations of pitches
  • Buildability issue
  • Delimitation of plots – parcels – areas – structures
  • Definition of seashore & beach
  • Forestry classification acts
  • Act of regularisation – revalorisation – annexation
  • Implementing act
  • Corrective implementing act
  • Application diagram
  • Topographical studies for the preparation of hydraulic studies, road studies, architectural studies, structural studies, geological and geotechnical studies, etc.
  • Cadastral studies
  • Applications of town and city planning studies
  • Topographic surveys for the issuance of building permits
  • Delimitation of land parcels (plots, plots of land)
Topographical Diagrams
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